Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advent Calendar 2013

  • Units: 24x2
  • Tools: paper only

The other advent calendar of this year - for home. The same boxes, a bit different decorated. Made by me, filled by my husband :-) Soooo taaaasty!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Advent Calendar 2013

  • Units: 24x2
  • Tools: paper only

These boxes are really easy to fold (and I mean it - really easy). So I was so expired, that I made even two advent calendars: one for work and one for home. First our advent calendar in the office. I've folded the boxes and brough them to work last week on Monday. Each colleague in my team  took two or three ones to fill. On Friday, when everyone was done, we decorated the boxes and put numbers on them. Another colleague made some small papers with our names, so every day we draw one of them and this person gets the box of the day :-) It is really fun, as no one knows first what is inside and who put it there.

So colleagues put a lot of effort  something in there :-)

Maybe I will be the next one? :-)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tea Bags Surprise Present

You will need: Tea bags, paper squares (I used 10.5 x 10.5 cm), nice messages or wishes, some glue and some decorations.

Write something nice for this special person receiving this special gift. He or she will be happy and smile every time while drinking tea :-)

I used a lot of different kinds of tea - so it will be a nice surprise to be existed about :-)

Put the opposite corners of the paper square together, then from the other two sides

Use some (just a bit!) glue to fix theemvelope

You can put some decorating stuff over 


Enjoy your tea :-)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Scarf, knitting

Nice scaft, quickly made! 300g threads and some evenings time :-)

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